Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Eμπνευσμένο από την Christy Tomlinson!!!!

Είναι φοβερό τι μπορεί να κάνει κανείς εύκολα και γρήγορα με απλά χρώματα, χαρτιά και στένσιλς!!!! 
Η Christy Tomlinson είναι έμπευση για εμένα! Αυτός είναι ένας από τους καμβάδες που έχω φτιάξει για παιδικό δωμάτιο.....αλλά ειδικά αυτός έχει καταλήξει στο σαλόνι μου, γιατί μου αρέσει πολύ.
Χρησιμοποίησα χαρτιά για scrapbooking, ακρυλικά χρώματα, στένσιλς, washi tape, σφραγίδες και 3d foams. Το 3διάστατο εφέ δίνει άλλη αίσθηση! 

Τα ακρυλικά χρώματα τα χρησιμοποίησα με δύο τρόπος. Εφαρμογή με το δάχτυλο για να προσθέσω χρώμα στον καμβά, χωρίς να αραιώσω τα ακρυλικά και mini misters για τα στένσιλς. Για την ακρίβεια, έβαλα το χρώμα στο mini mister και πρόσθεσα νερό, το ανάμιξα και voila!!!

Τα χαρτιά που χρησιμοποίησα εδώ για το κοριτσάκι, τον ήλιο, τις πεταλούδες και τα πουλάκια, είναι από αυτά που βγάζει η Christy Tomlinson, αλλά οι επόμενοι καμβάδες που έφτιαξα ήταν με απλά χαρτιά scrapbooking που είχα. Δυστυχώς δεν έχω φωτογραφίες από αυτούς, γιατί τους χάρισα.

Το 3διάστατο εφέ έγινε με δύο τρόπους. Με τα 3d foams (για το κοριτσάκι, τον ήλιο, τις πεταλούδες και τα πουλάκια) και με χαρτί τύπου κραφτ που αφού το έκοψα σε σχήμα λουλουδιού σε διάφορα μεγέθη, το τσαλάκωσα και έβαλα τα λουλουδάκια το ένα πάνω στο άλλο.

Για τους μίσχους και τα φύλλα χρησιμοποίησα διάφορα washi tapes (όπως η Christy Tomlinson). Η τελική πινελιά ήταν τα μικρά μοτίβα που έβαλα με τις σφραγίδες σε όλο σχεδόν τον καμβά.

Thursday, 5 July 2012


With summer right around the corner and temperatures already into the 80′s in many parts of the country, it’s a perfect time to start thinking about easy summer clothes. 
This is a fast and easy way to transform a basic t-shirt into a cute summer top.

Supplies to make your T-Shirt into a Summer Top:

  1. 1 Men’s T-shirt
  2. Elastic
  3. Safety Pin
  4. Pins
  5. Scissors
  6. Sewing Needle
  7. Thread
  8. Measuring tape
T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY
Step 1

Measure your elastic around your chest just under your arms.
Pull it a bit snug, the smaller chested you are the tighter you’ll want your elastic to be. Cut your elastic leaving an extra inch or so for sewing. If you’re not sure on the size leave your elastic a little long you can always shorten it.
Attach your safety pin to your elastic then make a small hole in the existing bottom hem of the t-shirt, and run it through the hem. Check your size and sew the ends of your elastic together. Sew the small hole you made in your hem closed.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIYT-Shirt to Summer Top DIY
Step 2
Pin a straight line across the top of the tee where the shoulders are. You will be cutting this off and hemming it.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY
Step 3
Pin your sleeves flat against the front of your tee.
Pin the edge you just cut and hem with your needle and thread.
Step 4
Sew the arm holes shut.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY
Step 5
Cut 2 small pieces of your elastic.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY Just like you used the bottom hem of the tee, you will use the hems on the sleeves for the elastic on the pockets. Cut a small hole in the sleeve hem (on the inside), attach the safety pin to the elastic and run it through the hem. But only run the elastic through about two thirds of the sleeve hem. This time you will need to secure the elastic to the tee, since it’s not going all the way around.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY
Step 6
I left about 4 ½ inches of the sleeve without elastic.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIY Sew this part to the front of the tee.T-Shirt to Summer Top DIYT-Shirt to Summer Top DIYI’m seriously thinking this needs some embellishing. I may print it or at least splatter it with bleach. If I do I’ll post it. Have fun with this project!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Cool idea! Beach Photo Jar!!!!

Beach Photo Jar @ Fiskarscraft

Designer:  Lisa Storms


1.  Drill three holes in top of jar lid.  Note:  This craft can be modified for any size jar.  Smaller jars will need only one or two photos.
2.  Mount photos onto chipboard of same size with thread taped in between layers.  Be sure to add a photo to the front and back since they will end up dangling and can spin around. 
3.  Add sand and shells to bottom of jar.  Put thread through holes in lid to desired photo height and tape off on top of lid. 
4.  Using Circle Cutter, cut circle of patterned paper to fit onto size of lid.  This easily covers up your thread and tape and provides a base for your star fish.
5. Emboss tan cardstock using the Dots Texture Plate and Texturing Tool.  If desired, go back with stylus for more defined dots.  Dab dots with white ink for extra pop.
6.  Trim embossed cardstock to 4.5" square.  Using Scoring Blade in Trimmer, score a line every .75" and fold accordion style making sure the textured side is on the outside on your first fold.   For smaller jars, cut 3" square and score every ½ inch.
7.  Measure and staple at center of folded cardstock.  Mark .5" from each side of staple and cut from that point to the opposing corner.  Be sure to cut off from the open side, not the closed side.

8.  Add adhesive between mark and staple on each side of star and fold out first pleat to meet and adhere to other side.  Repeat on opposite side.  Fan out star evenly using the Stylus if needed to get into folds.  Adhere onto top of jar.

9.  Print location and date onto blue cardstock and trim into rectangle.  Mount onto white cardstock and cut around perimeter with Stamp Paper Edgers to add to the vacation theme.
10.  Punch star from tan cardstock using Pop-up Star Punch.  Place onto foam or mouse pad and punch several holes onto back using a pin and adhere onto tag.
11.  Punch hole into tag using 1/16 Inch Circle Hand Punch.  Tie twine around lid of jar and attach tag using jump ring to complete photo jar.

Transform wisely empty cans into lovely lanterns!!!!!!!!

This is a great idea to reuse the empty cans instead of recycling them.
Clean them, decorate them with the decorative paper of cloth of your choice, wrap them with cord and hang them at a hanger. Put some tea candles and they are ready!!!!!
 Look, how beautiful they are!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, 10 February 2012

Recycle Metal Cans into Hanging Flower Baskets

Do not waste your empty metal cans. Transform them into flower baskets with the tutorial of Craft stylish.

All you need to get started are clean, empty metal cans, some potting soil, galvanized wire, and trailing plants of your choice. I added a few beads to each wire for fun, but the possibilities for embellishing these are endless—my husband liked the look of the plain metal cans, so we kept the outsides simple, but you could also paint them or add rows of sturdy lace or ribbon, glued-down cabochons, stripes of beads on elastic or wire, or anything else that catches your eye.

What you'll need:
  • Large, empty metal cans
  • Drill or hammer and nail to make holes (I used both)
  • 20-gauge galvanized wire
  • Wire cutters and pliers
  • Beads or other embellishments (optional)
  • Pebbles and potting soil
  • Trailing plants (I used ivy geranium starts in three shades of pink, but petunias, begonias, spider plants, or others you like could be lovely)
1. Use a drill or hammer a nail to make several small holes in the bottom of each can. Make holes spaced all around the bottom of the can.

2. Next, drill three holes near the upper rim of the can, spaced evenly around the perimeter, where you'll attach the wires to hang your planter.
The holes I drilled were about an inch below the rim.

3. Cut a generous length of wire (mine was about 2 feet long), slip it through the first hole you drilled in step 2, and form a wrapped loop, clipping off the end after you've coiled it three times. (If you'd like a wrapped loop 101, I have a short video showing how I make them here.) Repeat with the other two holes so that you have three wire tails to form a hanger later on. Wrap your wire three times or so before cutting the tail off.

4. If you'd like, slip a few durable beads you like onto each wire strand. I alternated clear and pink on each one. I used cheerful acrylic beads that won't mind rain or dirt at all.

5. Now add a thin layer of pebbles for good drainage at the bottom of the can. The pebbles should just cover the bottom of the can but don't have to be thickly layered.

6. Add potting soil over the pebbles, leaving space at the top for your plants. Now that your hanging basket has some weight to it, hold the three wires tautly above the can so that they hang evenly. Choose about how long you'd like the wire section to be, and make a large loop with all three wires there. Form a simple loop with all three strands of wire, large enough to slip easily over a hook or peg.

7. Using your fingers or a set of pliers, wrap the three wire tails around to form a coil below this large loop. Wrap them two or three times total, and clip the ends neatly once they're secured. Wrapping the coil at least two or three times with all three strands makes a strong bond.

8. Add your plants in the configuration you like! I mixed three different colors of ivy geranium starts I got for 50¢ each so that they peeked through each space between the wires and the beads caught the light. These ivy geraniums will continue trailing downward and to the sides to fill the hanging planter!

9. Make as many as you'd like, and hang your new planters on hooks or pegs along a fence or patio!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Make Your Own Canvas Portrait!

"A beautiful mess blog" proposes how to take a picture and transfer it on a camvas.
I hope this inspires some of you to make something special for your home...

Monday, 2 January 2012

Learn to knit videos

Learn how to knit, purl, yarn over and more. The most interesting is the video about picking up the dropped stiches.
Learn to knit videos